P U R E Microblading  & P U R E Energy by Suz
PURE Energy . . . Intuitive Energy healing via AIM program
PURE Microblading . . . This is not your mother's permanent makeup!

Choose a service to schedule

AIM Awakening in Me therapeutic Program

AIM Awakening in Me Introduction Retreat - $325 (call for appointment)
The ultimate goal with this work is to open communication that is helpful and encourages growth, awareness and most of all, HEALING. A guide for navigating arrival at the threshold of your enlightenment journey, the AIM day retreat is transformative! The purpose is learning the basic principles of Awakening. This full day retreat is a safe space where you can have fun and unpack each topic as a group of 6-8 people. This frees each attendee from being bogged down by lengthy chapters to read without guidance.
Price is $325 per person. Workbook is required and can be ordered on Amazon prior to the retreat.
AIM Awakening In Me program ONE-ON-ONE - $125 (call for appointment)
AIM - Awakening in Me. A guide for navigating arrival at the threshold of your enlightenment journey.
We will focus on expanding the 'Keys" received in the AIM day retreat to understand the role of suffering on our human journey and how to heal. This work mitigates longing for purpose without direction. “When we uncover our Sovereignty, we can rise up to live with purpose and dignity once again.” The AIM one-on-one program offers individual sessions through which personal peace is achieved and healing happens. It is recommended that you attend the AIM day retreat prior to enrolling in the on-going one-on-one program. AIM workbook is required and can be ordered on Amazon prior to starting sessions.
AIM Awakening In Me GROUP program - $95 (call for appointment)
AIM group program continuation after the initial Awakening In Me retreat.
Book 2: Alignment In Me expanding upon the 'Keys" received in the AIM day retreat to understand the role of suffering on our human journey and how to heal. "Your power lies in conscious thought, knowing and feeling. Your life song is written out in this way. You activate inspiration through this vibrational harmony." The AIM group program offers individual sessions through which personal peace is achieved and healing happens. It is recommended that you attend the AIM day retreat prior to enrolling in the on-going group program. AIM workbook 2 is required and can be ordered on Amazon prior to starting sessions.
AIM Guided Meditation Session - $125 (call for appointment)
This independent module of the AIM Program is based on expanding the principles taught in the AIM full-day Retreat gathering. "When we sense that yearning for more within, what tools do we reach for? How do we use them? We may forget to tune in to our own personal energy - or we may not understand how." Meditation can seem tricky. Suz introduces easy ways to get started, keep momentum and connect to our internal voice on demand! There truly is a way to navigate life, honor our journey and use the Guidance we carry within, releasing the pain of a wound but retaining the Lesson. Suz will guide you in techniques and tools to get your customized meditation practice realized!
Customized packages include 30 minute online 'boost' chats to check in and answer questions, hear about progress and implement additional techniques.

P U R E Energy Therapy

Intuitive Crystal Energy Healing - $95 (call for appointment)
This hands-on (more accurately, crystals-on) session uses the specific vibrations in Crystals applied to the central channel in the body. According to the state of your unique energy, Suz determines where crystal oscillation needs to be directed so that healing can begin.
B.E.S.T. energy healing session - $125 (call for appointment)
A certified B.E.S.T. (BioEnergetic Synchronization Technique) practitioner, Suz is trained in using B.E.S.T. to clear and integrate subconscious interference (unknown stored emotional trauma), thereby unlocking the ‘trap door’ between our
subconscious and conscious (hypothalamus and thalamus) and return them to harmony.
Through clearing and reconnection with our true essence, we break free of the ‘old stories’ stuck in our flesh & bone, and we can begin creating the magnificent life we desire to live!
Oracle card reading- Intuitive Guided Messages - $95 (call for appointment)
An intuitive, personalized reading about what you need to know now. Gain spiritual insight that you can apply to your particular question. Suz uses both oracle and traditional tarot decks during your session, depending upon what she is called to reach for so that you receive the most valuable information. An open and clear channel for Higher energy, Suz strives to achieve clarity, always approaching a reading with integrity & gratitude. Opening to only the highest realms in order to receive information meant for you alone, these sessions are always unique. It is important to note that Suz is not a Spiritual Medium and does not communicate with loved ones who have passed on.
***Clients are solely responsible for how they interpret the readings and Suz takes no responsibility for individual interpretation or action. For entertainment purposes only. Not to be used in place of professional advice whether legal, medical, business or financial. Please always seek a legal professional for these areas.
RED LIGHT full body bed exposure - $35 (call for appointment)
Offering full-body, non-sauna infrared light bed. Red light enters your skin, your mitochondria soak it up and make more energy, which helps cells repair themselves. Near infrared light therapy red light therapy has been shown to impart benefits for people with pain, arthritis, hair loss, vision loss, skin conditions, stimulating healing, anti-aging, post injury accelerated recovery and much more.

Microblading by Suz

Microblading Session One Bend - $292.50
If you would like a natural, custom brow, microblading is a safe solution!
**Full Price ($585) includes consultation, Session One and 6 week Perfection Session. 1/2 of total is required down payment to hold your appointment date. Remaining Balance of $292.50 will be due upon completion of Session One.
Microblading Session One includes a brief discussion about your required paperwork, mapping out your ideal brows with adjustment to suit your preferred outcome after which we will pre-numb your eyebrow area and begin the procedure.
We will book your Perfection Session before you leave. You'll leave your appointment with beautiful brows! **Babies or children under the age of 12 can not be in the treatment room during the procedure** It is your responsibility to bring the required paperwork with you to your first appointment.
Perfection Session Bend
Part 2 Microblading
**Babies or children under the age of 12 can not be in the treatment room during the procedure**
Brow Consultation Appointment Bend - $50
Suz is happy to offer a microblading consultation appointment to talk about whether microblading is the right choice for you, what your ideal brow looks like and to perform a patch test (if requested) to see if you may be sensitive to the pigments used during micro blading. The $50 fee charged for the consultation can be applied to your Session One appointment if booked. **note that a non-reactive patch test does not always indicate there is zero sensitivity
**Babies or children under the age of 12 can not be in the treatment room during the procedure**
Annual Microblading Touch Up Session Bend - $375
Your individual brows strokes revitalized -your Annual Touch Up must be booked within 24 months of your initial Microblading Session. After 2 years, the price for Annual Touch Up (or if your microblading was not initially done by Suz) is the same as the initial session price.
**Babies or children under the age of 12 can not be in the treatment room during the procedure**

Microblading Training

Microblading Tips, Tricks and Training Course (call for appointment)
Come spend a day with me! As an individual Microblading artist, my knowledge of microblading is my own and compiled over the course of time, experience and professional training from different industry leaders. I love what I do! I also know that when I was just beginning, I truly needed an experienced mentor who could answer questions and show me how to overcome technique challenges I continued to have even after my formal certification trainings. I continue to learn and I want to help others. I'm happy to share my knowledge through small group trainings or individual one-on-one shadowing. If this sounds like it's for you, please email me the following: How long you've been microblading, your website address, your Tattoo License number and whether you are interested in coming to me or hosting me at your own practice. Trainings begin at $425 and go up to $900 +.
Directions 2059 Northwest Eastes Street, Bend, OR, USA